Saturday, December 4, 2010
52 Weeks of Color Challenge - Sepia!

Sunday, November 28, 2010
52 Weeks of Colors Challenge - Plum, now!

This week it's PLUM, and I worn my MEB Blossom gown, in a room furnished with my Art Deco furniture (Melu Deco).
For a largere, better view, see here
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
52 Weeks of Colors Challenge - Goldenrod
I try to start again this blog, sunk since a long time into a deep sea of engagements due to my work at MEB and with the Melu Deco brand.
I start again with a nice thing: i decided to take part in the blogger challenge launched by Luna Jubilee and named 52 Weeks of Colors Challenge.
It's very simple and funny: every week she proposes a color and bloggers post pics with clothes in that color.
This week, the color is "Goldenrod": it's hard for a not native english speaker to understand what a goldenrod is, but i succeded in it, and so i can post a pic where i'm wearing two yellow MEB outfits from the Winter 2010 Collection: Daysy (right) and Flash (left).
In the pic I (two MEs ;) ) sit on a Melu Deco leather couch, whose wood (it's thuya one) is yellowish as well.
It's also a multiple mirror game, and i really enjoy it, when i made it :)
For a better view, pls, go to my relevant Flickr's page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/melusina_parkin/5203190254/sizes/l/in/photostream/
Thank you Luna!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
East meets West Fashion Show – March 27/28

A big cherry tree blossomed in the MEB main store :)
It bears a sign speaking of a fashion show. Better, a fashion meeting.
East meets West: five western brands go to Japan, to show their clothes together with five eastern ones.
The idea and the management of such an opportunity is by AGATA model agency, whose models will present outfits by Azul, Garçon, Honey, Pik Gal, Scars (for eastern brands) and by Miamai, Angel Dessus,Leezu, Hyper Culture and MEB Fashion.
SL has virtually no boundaries and no distances, but cultures and traditions stay alive in it and meet each others in a field so strictly bounded to people’s customs and tastes like fashion is great!
MEB is honored to take part and to contribute to this great meeting and to share with so great brands two days of good taste and beauty.
MEB will present there some outfits from its Spring 2010 collection.
Come to Tokyo, to take part in this great event!
East Meet West Spring Collection, MK Tokyo SIM
2 shows for people in different time zones:
1st show - Saturday, March 27 at 6:00PM SLT
2nd show - Sunday, March 28 at 6:00AM SLT
Sunday, March 14, 2010
As it often happens, owners decided to sell the SIM: so no more store, and no more splendid moonshines in the bayou park, no more dancing at Satir...
But meanwhile, another clever SIM owner, my friend RobertBob Aquila, offered me a big store, where Melu Deco stuff could find a relevant place to be showed :)
Melu Deco Main Store at Eagle's Rave
Eagle's Rave SIM worths a visit (you can walk or take a gondola, or a balloon :)), and Melu Deco main store gives you the opportunity to check all my items out, in a pleasant displaying.
Here you can see a Flickr slideshow of the store:
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Lack of interest by public RL cultural institutions for this SL important work, whose support would be important for Primtings activity, is bringing the Museum to the end.
To support this no-profit cultural institution, the owner launched a campaign to raise funds to pay the SIM tier.
I met Primtings long time ago, and since that meeting it has been one of my favorite places in SL. I had a seat in the Hopper famous bar, i have been hanged on a tree near the Dalì melt clock, i did lived in my favorite paintings, enjoying an artistic experience impossible to live in RL.
So i wanted to support Primtings in its campaign, and I decide to ask my friends to consider to do the same.
Enjoy the Museum and support its life!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sorry! (But good news!)
But meanwhile MEB work increased dramatically: two new collections, the stunning Fall and the great Winter one needed care, many new stores were opened, a lot of shows required preparation. That’s the life of a fashion brand that follows growing up.
Then… great news for Melusina herself. I started since a lot of time to build small furniture for MEB shops, simple things, shelves, displays, tables. But managing textures and prims quickly became an addiction, for me (another addiction, after smoking, shopping and wandering around SL!) and I paired it to my passion for vintage. The result was to discover I can build acceptable Art Deco furniture, and in few weeks I found in my inventory more than 50 new items, coming from my own hands and mind: tables, chairs, rugs, lamps, room dividers reproducing famous 1920s-1940s furniture and accessories, or inspired to the sharpen shapes, rich materials and geometrical designs of the Art Deco style.

So born Melu Deco, my own brand. I rented a first store on January 1st in a nice land I found by chance. Bayou Noir is a New Orleans styled land, with a wonderful park, a nice vintage ballroom (the Satir) and pretty buildings. I did fall in love for it and I couldn’t resist to rent an empty store I saw in the central marketplace. I filled it by my stuff in just one day, and I did believe I finished yet.

But when my friend Jennyfer Miles saw it (she is the MEB top model you can see in the most vendors of our stores, but she’s too the owner of a nice land called Porto Venere, reproducing a very pretty Italian sea village) she proposed me to open another store there. I had the group of the SIM, since MEB had opened there a store I arranged whit special care, according to the elegance of the place, and it was easy to choose one of the nice stores in the center of the town.

So, Melu Deco starts with two awesome stores: after setting more than 50 MEB shops (you can see all them in a beautiful Flickr slideshow I put here below) I am able to mount a store in less than one hour, but I was frightened by the idea of arranging my own one, so I studied for a long while vendors, display arrangement, item choice, trying to make the best I could. If you visit my stores you can evaluate the results.
It was impossible not giving these news in my blog! So I decided to restart again ;)
You all know that my aim was to tell the story of my work at MEB, but the time past since the last posts added so many things to that story that it’s impossible planning to tell all them in details, together with the news of my new activity.
From now on, I decided to write three kind of posts, that I’ll mark by a subtitle out: the first ones will tell a summary of this wonderful last MEB year; the second kind of post will be devoted to Melu Deco and its news (after the first 70 items, that I actually sell in my stores, I have about 20-25 new ones almost finished!), the last kind will be the funny part of my work at MEB: combining items to propose new outfits, a game all our customers can play with a lot of fun
This post is too long to add what I planned to tell here: the description of Melu Deco inspiration and of the Art Deco style main features. I just address you to the post I wrote to open a group on the social network MOOLTO, but I can’t refrain to post here a slideshow of my new stuff!
Finally, who would like to visit my shops inworld, can follow these SLURLs to Bayou Noir and to Porto Venere.